Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và từ vựng Tiếng Anh Global Success 7

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Nội dung text: Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và từ vựng Tiếng Anh Global Success 7

  1. UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES I. VOCABULARY Words Type Pronunciation Meaning belong to v /bɪ'lɒŋ tə/ thuộc về E.g. Does this house belong to Mr. Winter? (Ngơi nhà này cĩ phải của ơng Winter khơng?) benefit n, v /'benɪfɪt/ lợi ích; được lợi, giúp ích cho E.g. People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle. (Con người sẽ được hưởng rất nhiều lợi ích từ phương tiện khơng ơ nhiễm.) bug n /bʌg/ con bọ E.g. I've caught a bug. (Tơi vừa bắt được một con bọ.) cardboard n /'kɑ:dbɔ:d/ bìa các tơng E.g. We can use cardboard to make a cat house. (Chúng ta cĩ thể dùng bìa các tơng để làm một căn nhà cho mèo.) dollhouse n /'dɒlhaʊs/ nhà búp bê E.g. She is building a dollhouse. (Cơ ấy đang xây một căn nhà búp bê.) gardening V, n /'gɑ:dənɪŋ/ làm vườn E.g. Doing gardening is an interesting hobby. (Làm vườn là một sở thích thú vị.) glue n /glu:/ keo dán, hồ dán E.g. He joined two blocks of wood with glue. (Anh ta ghép hai khối gỗ bằng keo.) horse riding n /hɔ:rs 'raɪdɪŋ/ cưỡi ngựa E.g. Her hobbies are people-watching and horse riding. (Sở thích của cơ ấy là nhìn dịng người qua lại và cưỡi ngựa.) insect n /'msekt/ cơn trùng E.g. He has a collection of rare insect specimens. (Ơng ấy cĩ một bộ sưu tập các mẫu cơn trùng quý hiếm.) jogging n /'dʒɑ:gɪŋ/ chạy bộ thư giãn E.g. She goes jogging every morning. (Cơ ấy chạy bộ mỗi sáng.) making models phr /'meɪkɪŋ 'mɑ:dlz/ làm mơ hình E.g. Her hobby is making models. (Sở thích của cơ ấy là làm mơ hình.) maturity n /mə'tʊrəti/ sự trưởng thành E.g. His performance was full of maturity and poise. (Màn trình diễn của anh ấy đầy trưởng thành và đĩnh đạc.)
  2. patient adj /'peɪʃnt/ kiên nhẫn E.g. She is a patient girl. (Cơ ấy là một cơ gái kiên nhẫn.) popular adj /'pɑ:pjələr/ được nhiều người yêu thích, phổ biến E.g. Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. (Bĩng đá là một trong những mơn thể thao phổ biến nhất trên thế giới.) responsibility n /rɪ,spa:nsə'bɪləti/ sự chịu trách nhiệm E.g. It's my responsibility to ensure the project finishes on time. (Tơi cĩ trách nhiệm đảm bảo cơng việc hồn thành đúng thời hạn.) set v /set/ (mặt trời) lặn E.g. The sun is setting. (Mặt trời đang lặn.) stress n /stres/ sự căng thẳng E.g. She felt stress before the entrance exam. (Cơ ấy cảm thấy căng thẳng trước kì thi.) take on phr /teɪk ɑ:n/ nhận thêm, thuê, mướn E.g. Our store takes on extra employees during Christmas. (Cửa hàng của chúng tơi thuê thêm một vài nhân viên trong suốt dịp Giáng Sinh.) unusual adj /ʌn'ju:ʒuəl/ khác thường, hiếm, lạ E.g. Carving eggshells is an unusual hobby. (Điêu khắc vỏ trứng là một sở thích lạ.) valuable adj /'vỉljuəbl/ quý giá E.g. There are many valuable things in this museum. (Cĩ rất nhiều thứ quý giá trong bảo tàng này.) yoga n /'jθʊgə/ yoga E.g. Kate is doing yoga. (Kate đang tập yoga.) * Some common hobbies (Tên một vài sở thích phổ biến) Words Type Pronunciation Meaning to collect teddy bear v phr /kə'lekt 'tedi beə(r) / sưu tầm gấu bơng to go to the cinema v phr /gəʊ tə ðə 'sinəmə/ đi xem phim to hang out with friends v phr /hỉŋ aʊt wɪð frendz/ đi chơi với bạn bè to chat with friends v phr /tʃỉt wɪð frendz/ nĩi chuyện với bạn to walk the dog v phr /wɔ:k ðə dɒg/ dắt chĩ đi dạo to collect stamps v phr /kə'lekt stỉmps/ sưu tầm tem to play chess v phr /pleɪ tʃes/ chơi cờ vua to do sports v phr /du: spɔ:ts/ chơi thể thao to play computer v phr /pleɪ kəm'pju:tə(r) chơi game games geɪmz/ to go shopping v phr /gəʊ 'ʃɒpɪŋ/ đi mua sắm to watch television v phr /wɒʧ 'telɪvɪʒn/ xem tivi
  3. to listen to music v phr /'lɪsn tə 'mju:zɪk/ nghe nhạc to play the guitar v phr /pleɪ ðə gɪ'tɑ:(r)/ chơi ghi-ta to play the violin v phr /pleɪ ðə vaɪə'lɪn/ chơi violin cycling n /'saɪklɪŋ/ đạp xe gardening n /'gɑ:dənɪŋ/ làm vườn painting n /'pemtɪŋ/ vẽ tranh going camping v phr /'gəʊɪŋ 'kỉmpɪŋ/ cắm trại skating n /'skeɪtɪŋ/ trượt băng/trượt pa-tanh bird-watching n /'bɜ:dwɒʧɪŋ/ ngắm chim cooking n /'kʊkɪŋ/ nấu ăn arranging flowers n /ə'reɪndʒɪŋ 'flaʊəz/ cắm hoa walking n /'wɔ:kɪŋ/ đi bộ dancing n /'dỉnsɪŋ/ khiêu vũ II. WORD FORMATION Words Meaning Related words beneficial (adj) beneficially (adv) benefit (n) lợi ích benefit (v) beneficiary (n) glue (n) keo, hồ dán glue (v) insect(n) cơn trùng insecticidal (adj) insecticide (n) jogging (n) chạy bộ thư giãn jog (v) jogger(n) mature (adj) maturely (adv) maturity (n) sự trưởng thành mature (v) maturational (adj) maturation (n) patient (n) patiently (adv) patient [adj] kiên nhẫn patience (n) được nhiều người yêu popular (adj) popularity (n) thích, phổ biến respond (v) response(n) responsibility (n) sự chịu trách nhiệm responsible (adj) responsibly (adv) responsive (adj) responsively (adv) stressful (adj) stress (v) stress (n) sự căng thẳng stressed(adj) unstressed (adj) unusually (adv) usual (adj) unusual (adj) khác thường, lạ, hiếm usually (adv) valuation (n) value (n) valuable (adj) quý giá value (v) III. GRAMMAR 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE (Thì hiện tại đơn)
  4. a. Cấu trúc Chủ ngữ số ít Chủ ngữ số nhiều Câu khẳng định S+Vs/es S + V Câu phủ định S + doesn't + V S + don't+ V Câu nghi vấn Does + S + V? Do + S+V? b. Cách sử dụng - Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn đạt một hành động lặp đi lặp lại như một thĩi quen ở hiện tại. E.g.1: We often go to New York in summer holiday. (Chúng tơi thường tới New York vào kì nghỉ hè.) E.g.2: She always has breakfast at 7 a.m. (Cơ ấy thường xuyên ăn sáng lúc 7 giờ.) - Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả một chân lý hoặc một sự thật hiển nhiên. E.g.1: The Earth goes around the Sun. (Trái đất quay quanh Mặt trời.) E.g.2: Today is Sunday. (Hơm nay là Chủ nhật.) - Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả một lịch trình, thời gian biểu. E.g.1 : The news programme starts at 7 p.m. (Chương trình thời sự bắt đầu lúc 7 giờ tối.) E.g.2: We have Maths on Mondays. (Chúng tơi cĩ tiết Tốn vào các ngày thứ Hai.) c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu thường cĩ các trạng từ chỉ tần suất như: always (luơn luơn), usually (thường xuyên), often (thường xuyên) sometimes (thỉnh thoảng.) Hoặc every + day! week/ month/ year (mọi ngày/tuần/tháng/năm) 2. Verbs of liking and disliking (động từ chỉ sự yêu thích và khơng thích) Một số động từ chỉ sự yêu thích và khơng thích như: like, love, prefer, enjoy, fancy, mind, dislike và hate. Chúng ta thường sử dụng dạng V-ing theo sau các động từ này. E.g.1: Mark likes collecting stamps. (Mark thích sưu tầm tem.) E.g.2: David dislikes playing boardgames. (David khơng thích các trị chơi ơ chữ.) E.g.3: We enjoy playing football after school. (Chúng tơi thích chơi bĩng đá sau giờ tan học.) E.g.4: Do you fancy listening to music? (Cậu cĩ thích nghe nhạc khơng?) *Lưu ý: một số động từ như: like, love, hate và prefer cĩ thể theo sau bởi cả V-ing hoặc to Verb E.g.1: Mark likes collecting/ to collect stamps. (Mark thích sưu tầm tem.)
  5. E.g.2: We hate doing/ to do homework. (Chúng tơi khơng thích làm bài tập về nhà.) * Một số cấu trúc khác nĩi về sự yêu thích - Một số cấu trúc khác nĩi về sự yêu thích mà chúng ta cĩ thể vận dụng để biến đổi cấu trúc linh hoạt thay vì lặp đi lặp lại I like/ I love * I am quite into + V-ing/something: Tơi thích làm gì/ cái gì. E.g.1: I am quite into playing football - I get very excited about it. (Tơi rất thích chơi bĩng đá - Tơi rất hào hứng với nĩ.) * I am a big fan of + V-ing/something: Tơi là người hâm mộ của ai. E.g.1: I am a big fan of horror movie - I see all horror movies on the cinema. (Tơi là người hâm mộ phim kinh dị - Tơi xem tất cả các bộ phim kinh dị chiếu ở rạp.) E.g.2: She is a big fan of pop music. (Cơ ấy là một người hâm mộ nhạc pop.) *To be interested in + V-ing: Quan tâm, yêu thích làm gì E.g.1: I am interested in cooking. (Tơi rất yêu thích việc nấu ăn.) E.g.2: Are you interested in reading books? (Bạn cĩ thích đọc sách khơng?) * To be keen on V-ing/something: Say mê, yêu thích điều gì E.g.1: She is keen on doing DIY. (Cơ ấy say mê làm các dự án cá nhân.) E.g.2: I am really keen on going to eat in Thai restaurants. Thai food is very delicious. (Tơi rất thích tới ăn ở nhà hàng Thái. Đồ ăn Thái rất ngon.) IV. PRONUNCIATION SOUND /ə/ AND/ɜ:/ 1. Cách phát âm âm / ə / và âm /ɜ:/ - Cách phát âm âm / ə / /ə/ là một nguyên âm ngắn. Để phát âm âm này, hãy mở miệng thật nhẹ và đơn giản. Mơi và lưỡi được thư giãn và phát âm /ə/.
  6. /ɜ:/ là một nguyên âm dài. Để phát âm âm này, miệng mở tự nhiên, lưỡi đặt tự nhiên, cao vừa phải, nhưng cao hơn khi phát âm /ə/. Âm phát ra dài hơn /ə/. 2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết * Âm /ə/ 1."a"được phát âm là /ə/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning banana n /bə'nɑ:nə/ quả chuối sofa n /'səʊfə/ ghế bành apartment n /ə'pɑ:tmənt/ căn hộ separate adj, v /'sepərət/ riêng lẻ, tách rời 2. "e" được phát âm là /ə/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning answer n, v /'a:nsə(r)/ trả lời mother n /'mʌðə(r)/ mẹ open v /'əʊpən/ mở ra 3. "o" được phát âm là /ə/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning compare v /kəm'peə(r)/ so sánh control v /kən'trəʊl/ kiểm sốt continue v /kən'tmju:/ tiếp tục freedom n /'fri:dəm/ sự tự do 4. "u" được phát âm là /ə/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning upon prep /ə'pɒn/ bên trên picture n /'pɪktʃə(r)/ bức tranh suggest v /sə'ʤest/ gợi ý, đề nghị surprise v /sə'praɪz/ ngạc nhiên 5."ou"được phát âm là /ə/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning famous adj /'feɪməs/ nổi tiếng dangerous adj /'deɪndʒərəs/ nguy hiểm anxious adj /'ỉŋkʃəs/ lo âu
  7. * Âm /ɜ:/ 1."o"thường được phát âm là /ɜ:/ trong một số trường hợp Words Type Pronunciation Meaning work n /wɜ:k/ cơng việc world n /wɜ:ld/ thế giới word n /wɜ:d/ từ worse adj /wɜ:s/ tệ/xấu hơn 2."u"cịn được phát âm là /ɜ:/ Words Type Pronunciation Meaning burn v /bɜ:n/ đốt cháy burglar n /'bɜ:glər/ kẻ trộm burly adj /'bɜ:li/ lực lưỡng, vạm vỡ curtain n /'kɜ:tən/ rèm cửa 3."i","e","ea" và "ou" thỉnh thoảng cũng được phát âm là /3:/ khi trọng âm rơi vào những từ này Words Type Pronunciation Meaning bird n /bɜ:d/ con chim herd n /hɜ:d/ bầy, đàn, bọn, bè lũ were v /wɜ:(r)/ thì, là (quá khứ của to be) courtesy adj /'kɜ:təsi/ lịch sự, nhã nhặn girl n /gɜ:l/ cơ gái early adj /'ɜ:li/ sớm search v /sɜ:tʃ/ tìm kiếm sir n /sɜ:(r)/ ngài (trong xưng hơ) circuit n /'sɜ:kɪt/ chu vi, mạch điện V. PRACTICE Exercise 1. Put the words in the correct column depending on the pronunciation. mother work learn sunburn service birth early expert collect leisure around upon singer shirt pottery murderer parent nature world surfing /ə/ /ɜ:/
  8. Exercise 2. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. pottery B. flower C. silent D. service 2. A. girl B. expert C. open D. burn 3. A. sentence B. world C. picture D. dangerous 4. A. game B. arrange C. skate D. cake 5. A. hobby B. doll C. college D. over 6. A. prefer B. better C. teacher D. worker 7. A. bear B. hear C. dear D. near 8. A. collect B. concern C. concert D. combine 9. A. absent B. government C. dependent D. enjoy 10. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture Exercise 3. Look at the photo and write the correct words. The first letter is a hint for you. dancing making pottery learning English cooking taking photos carving wood cycling watching TV surfing the Internet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  9. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. gardening photos model cars eggshells painting fishing music swimming 1. She usually goes ___ with her friends in the pool near her school. 2. Sarah likes ___ She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden. 3. Every weekend, I go ___ in my uncle's boat, or just off the shoreline. 4. In later years, he took up ___ as a hobby. He drew watercolour landscapes. 5. My hobby is listening to ___ It can help relax my mind. 6. I have recently started a new hobby - collecting ___ 7. Most people take ___ and post them on their social networking accounts. 8. Carving ___ is a great hobby that can make you happier. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. films club music books photography swimming basketball zoo skating chess 1. I really like ___ - especially in the sea. 2. I'm interested in ___ My favourite band is T-ara from Korea. 3. I love ___ I go to the cinema every weekend. 4. I really like ___ I don't play it, but I watch matches on TV. 5. My hobby is ___ I have a new camera. 6. I love ___ My favourite writer is To Hoai. 7. I really love ___ in the park with my friends. 8. I like ___ I play against my dad. I also play against other people on the Internet. 9. I've just joined the local tennis ___ 10. We could hear the lions roaring at the end of the ___ Exercise 6. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The most popular after-school ___ in Viet Nam are football and badminton. (act) 2. The city library has over 60 ___ .(employ) 3. English is an ___ and important subject, (interest) 4. Science books are very ___ for our study of the world. (use) 5. Ba is a famous stamp ___ (collect) 6. They learn to play a ___ instrument. (music) 7. The team has many talented ___ .(play) 8. We sat on the beach ___ a spectacular sunset. (watch) Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of present simple tense. 1. Where ___ that guy ___ from? (come) 2. Where ___ your mother ___ ? (work)
  10. 3. James ___ usually ___ the trees, (not water) 4. Who ___ the washing in your house? (do) 5. They ___ out once a week, (eat) 6. My father always ___ delicious meals, (make) 7. Tom ___ vegetables, (not eat) 8. Rosie ___ shopping every week, (go) 9. ___ Miley and David ___ to work by bus every day? (go) 10. ___ your parents ___ with your decision? (agree) 11. It (be) ___ a fact that smart phone (help) ___ us a lot in our life. 12. I often (travel) ___ to some of my favorite destinations every summer. 13. Our Math lesson usually (finish) ___ at 4.00 p.m. 14. The reason why Susan (not eat) ___ meat is that she (be) ___ a vegetarian. 15. People in Ho Chi Minh City (be) ___ very friendly and they (smile) ___ a lot. 16. The flight (start) ___ at 6 a.m every Thursday. 17. Peter (not study) ___ very hard. He never gets high scores. 18. I like oranges and she (like) ___ apples. 19. My mom and my sister (cook) ___ lunch every day. 20. They (have) ___ breakfast together every morning. Exercise 8. Underline the mistake and correct it. 1. I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to school. 2. She teach students in a local high school. 3. They doesn't own a house. They still have to rent one to live. 4. Dang Van Lam am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team. 5. What do your brother do? 6. Bruce and Tim doesn't go swimming in the lake. 7. Hannah speak Chinese very well. 8. How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket? 9. Our dogs aren't eat bones.
  11. 10. Mary's parents is very friendly and helpful. Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. I enjoy (play) ___ football with my friends. 2. I like (go) ___ swimming with you. 3. They hate (paint) ___ but they like (swim) ___ 4. Tom doesn't want (move) ___ to the city. 5. My sister is interested in (cook) ___ very much. She can cook many good foods. 6. Every year, my mother (give) ___ me a nice doll on my birthday. 7. She loves (do) ___ the gardening. 8. (You/think) ___ he can do this job? 9. We (go) ___ to the cinema three times a month. 10. My hobby is (collect) ___ stamps 11. What(you/do) ___ in your free time? 12. Hoa spends lots of time (read) ___ books. 13. I don't think we (have) ___ much free time. 14. My brother (listen) ___ to music every day. 15. James never (watch) ___ TV at night. Exercise 10 a. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box and give the correct form of verbs if necessary. go - play - watch - listen John has a lot of hobbies. He (1) ___ chess at school and he also (2) ___ skating. After dinner, he (3) ___ for a walk and he (4) ___ to music every evening in his room. John loves sports. He (5) ___ football after school. On Saturdays, John and his friends (6) ___ swimming. On Sundays, they (7) ___ basketball in the park. On Sunday evenings, they sometimes (8) ___ a film. Exercise 10 b. Circle the mistakes in each sentence. 1. I find carve eggshells boring because it takes a lot of time to complete one shell. A B C D 2. My brother not goes to class to learn how to paint. A B C D 3. I take up my hobby when I came back home from the Art Gallery. A B C D 4. I think playing volleyball interest because it is a team game. A B C D 5. In my opinion, more people play monopoly in the future. A B C D Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Would you mind ___ (watch) my bag for a few minutes?
  12. 2. I enjoy ___ (listen) to music while I'm doing the cooking. 3. He wants ___ (buy) a new computer game. 4. I'd like ___ (speak) to Mr. Davis, please. Is he there? 5. Please avoid ___ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise. 6. The children would love ___ (eat) French fries. 7. She really loves ___ (work) with children. 8. We tried ___ (call) you but your mobile was off. 9. They intend ___ (build) houses on the school playing fields. 10. I can't stand ___ (do) the washing up. Exercise 12. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. Nowadays people ___ hours sitting in front of computers. A. take B. last C. set D. spend 2. I think you should take up swimming ___ it is suitable for your health condition. A. so B. because C. although D. but 3. My family enjoys ___ because we can sell vegetables and flowers ___ money. A. garden-to B. gardening-for C. gardening-with D. garden - of 4. If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your ___ to your friends as presents. A. hobby B. money C. greetings D. products 5. My sister's hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the ___ magazines. A. fashion B. cooking C. sports D. science 6. There are many ___ why it is important to have a hobby. A. answers B. reasons C. details D. facts 7. Will you ___ making models in the future? A. pickup B. look for C. take up D. find 8. Do you think that hobby is ___ and boring? A. easy B. difficult C. danger D. interesting 9. I love my sister's paintings because she is very ___ in using colours. A. careless B. care C. creative D. imagine 10. A hobby helps you to connect with ___ people. A. other B. others C. another D. the other 11. I join a photography club, and all the members love ___ a lot of beautiful photos. A. take B. taking C. make D. making 12. What does your father do ___ his free time? A. in B. at C. on D. while 13. I think a hobby will always give you ___ and help you ___ A. pleased - relax B. pleasure - relaxed
  13. C. pleased - relaxing D. pleasure - relax 14. You can share your stamps ___ other collectors ___ a stamp club. A. with- at B. to-at C. with -in D. to -in 15. I think this hobby does not cost you much, and ___ you need is time. A. most B. all C. some D. all of Exercise 13. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Our life would be hard without rest and recreation. And people have many different ideas of how to spend their free time. If you enjoy doing a thing or an activity in your free time, then you have a hobby. A hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, done during one's own time. A person's hobbies depend on his age, character and personal interests. An interesting thing to one person can be boring to another. That's why some people prefer reading, cooking, knitting, collecting, playing a musical instrument, photography or playing computer games while others prefer dancing, travelling, camping or sports. No. Statements T or F 1. A hobby is anything that you enjoy doing in your free time. 2. Different people have the same hobbies. 3. A hobby can provide us with relaxation. 4. Your hobby may be changed as you get older. 5. One person's hobby may be a boring thing to another person. 6. Playing sports is not a hobby. Exercise 14. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular. As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy. Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure. 1. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because ___ A. you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps B. stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country C. it is very important to collect stamps D. A and B are correct 2. All of the following are true EXCEPT ___ A. stamps can make you relaxed and happy B. stamps can make you know more C. stamp collecting can make you famous D. you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky 3. According to the passage, it infers that ___
  14. A. stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby C. stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting D. stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money 4. The word "business" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___ A. the activity of collecting stamps B. the activity of selling stamps from other countries C. the activity of buying stamps from other countries D. the activity of buying or selling something 5. The main idea of the passage is ___ A. the history of stamp collecting B. good things from stamp collecting C. the ways of stamp collecting D. famous stamp collectors Exercise 15 a. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1. We/enjoy/play/chess/free time. . 2. She/ interested / arranging flowers? . 3. Alex/ keen/ photos. He/ photos/ every day. . 4. My mom/ not/ love/ bird watching. She/ like/ shopping . 5. Your brothers/ hate/ playing / drums? . Exercise 15 b. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. 1. I find collecting glass bottles interesting. - My hobby is 2. Van's brother usually goes to work by motorbike. - Van's brother usually rides 3. Linh finds playing boarding games boring. - Linh doesn't like 4. My sister enjoys arranging flowers, (interesting) - My sister finds 5. My father likes doing gardening at the weekend. - My father enjoys Exercise 16. Make questions for the underlined parts. 1. A: B: My hobby is playing badminton.
  15. 2. A: B: I started my hobby three years ago. 3. A: B: I enjoy my hobby because I think it's funny. 4. A: B: I spend three hours a day on my hobby. 5. A: B:Tony usually plays volleyball in his free time. 6. A: B: He plays volleyball twice a week. 7. A: B: He often plays volleyball in the stadium near his school. 8. A: B: He likes to play table tennis with his friends. 9. A: B:Tom often plays football in his free time. 10. A: B: Linda is playing chess with her mother in the room.