Đề cương ôn thi môn Tiếng anh học kì I Lớp 10 sách Cánh diều

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn thi môn Tiếng anh học kì I Lớp 10 sách Cánh diều

  1. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI TÀI LIỆU TỰ CHỌN TIẾNG ANH 10 (NĂM HỌC 2021-2022) SPEAKING TOPIC FOR THE FIRST TERM 1. Talk about your daily routine. 2. Talk about your hobby. 3. Talk about your school life. 4. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 5. Talk about a famous place that you like best. 1 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  2. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI TOPIC 1: THE PRESENT SIMPLE (Thì hiện tại đơn) THE PAST SIMPLE (Thì quá khứ đơn) ADVERDS OF FREQUENCY (Trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên) * PHẦN A: LÝ THUYẾT I.The Present Simple: (Thì hiện tại đơn) 1) Cách thành lập: - Câu khẳng định: S + V(1/s/es) S + am/is/are + - Câu phủ định: S + don’t/doesn’t + Vo S + am/is/are + not+ - Câu hỏi: Do/Does + S + Vo ? Am/Is/Are + S+ ? 2) Cách dùng chính: diễn tả - Một thói quen, một hành động được lặp đi lặp lại thường xuyên. Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, every day/week/month, twice a week/month/year, Ex: Mary often gets up early in the morning. Ex: I always have breakfast at 6 o’clock. - Một sự thật lúc nào cũng đúng, một chân lý. E.x: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Lưu ý: Cách phát âm đuôi “s” và “es” /iz/ /s/ /z/ Nếu trước đó là : s, z, ch, x, Nếu trước đó là : k, p, f, t, θ Trường hợp còn lại sh, ce, ge Ex : sits, stops, looks, Ex : knows, buys, Ex : washes, kisses, Adverbs of frequency: (Trạng từ chỉ tần suất) Always (luôn luôn) Sometimes (thỉnh thoảng) Usually (thường thường) Occasionally (đôi khi) Often/ frequently (thường) Rarely/ seldom/ hardly (hiếm khi, ít khi) Never (không bao giờ) Dùng để diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên hoặc không thường xuyên của một hành động. Vị trí trong câu: + đặt sau động từ tobe (is, am, are , ) Ex: I am never late for school. + đặt trước động từ thường Ex: She often goes to the ballet. + đặt sau động từ khiếm khuyết hoặc trợ động từ Ex: We must always follow the directions. Lưu ý: “sometimes” có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu Ex: Sometimes we go to Hanoi in August. / We go to Hanoi in August sometimes. II. The Past Simple: (Thì quá khứ đơn) 1) Cách thành lập: - Câu khẳng định: S + V2/ed S + was/were + - Câu phủ định: S + didn’t + Vo; S + wasn’t /weren’t + - Câu hỏi: Did + S + Vo ? Was/Were + S+ ? 2) Cách sử dụng: diễn tả hành động - đã xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ Ex: I watched the TV show last night. Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: last (night/ week/year ), yesterday, ago, in the past, in + thời gian trong quá khứ (in 2005, in 1998, ), 2 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  3. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI Lưu ý: Cách phát âm đuôi “ed” /id/ /t/ /d/ Nếu trước đó là : d, t Nếu trước đó là : p, k, ss, gh, ch, Trường hợp còn lại Ex : started, ended, x, sh Ex : killed, enjoyed, Ex : watched, laughed, liked, * PHẦN B: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG TASK 1: Give the correct form of verb in brackets: 1. I (go) ___ swimming every weekend. 2. Hoa (go) ___ swimming every weekend. 3. She (not/study)___ on Saturday. 4. He (have) ___ a new hair cut today. 5. The sea (cover) ___ two thirds of the world. 6. We (not /come) ___ from Canada. We (come) ___ from the USA. 7. She (work) ___ from Mondays to Fridays. She (not /work) ___ at weekend. 8. Andrew and Les (not/ go) ___ to school by bus every day. Most morning Andrew (go) ___ by bicycle and Les (walk) ___. 9. Last year we (go) ___ Hanoi with my parents. We (have)___ memorable time there. 10. I (send) ___ Jack a letter last month. 11. She (come) ___ there weeks ago. 12. When I (go)___ to see her last Sunday, she (not/be) ___ at her home so I (get)___ home. TASK 2: Put each adverb of frequency in its appropriate place in the sentences below 13. Peter and Mary go to class on time. (never) ☺ 14. He stays late to do his homework. (sometimes) ☺ 15. Why does Johnson get good mark? (always) ☺ 16. I do the housework with my sister. (usually) ☺ 17. Children are perky. (always) ☺ 18. Susan is satisfied with her study because of her good marks. (frequently) ☺ TASK 3: Choose the “synonym” of the underlined words. (từ đồng nghĩa) 3 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  4. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI 19. Ask and answer questions about your daily routine, using the cues below. A. action B. trip C. way D. habit 20. I drink some cups of tea, have a quick breakfast and then lead the buffalo to the field. A. strong B. fast C. mighty D. powerful 21. I leave the house at a quarter past five and arrive in the field at exactly 5.30. A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 30 minutes 22. I continue to work from a quarter past eight till 10.30. A. keep away B. keep back C. keep down D. keep on 23. It takes me 30 minutes to prepare. A. get ready B. make easy C. keep clean D. be good TASK 4: Choose the “antonym” of the underlined words. (từ trái nghĩa) 24. What time do you go to bed? A. go out B. sit down C. leave for D. get up 25. I leave the house at a quarter past five and arrive in the field at exactly 5.30. A. quickly B. weakly C. wrongly D. successfully 26. I continue to work from a quarter past eight till 10.30. A. begin B. finish C. come D. start 27. Our neighbors have always been very friendly towards us. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. polite 28. Are they happy with their lives? A. tired B. delighted C. upset D. unlucky 29/ Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are contented with what we do. A. dissatisfied B. excited C. shocked D. interested TASK 5: Choose one word whose underlined part is “pronounced” differently: (phát âm) 30. A. knife B. routine C. dinner D. kick 31. A. desks B. rulers C. bags D. pens 32. A. house B. how C. hour D. horse 33. A. by B. pretty C. why D. sky 34. A. died B. continued C. contented D. followed TASK 6: Choose the word whose “main stress” is placed differently from the others in each group: (trọng âm/ nhấn âm) 35. A. dinner B. during C. repair D. number 36. A. routine B. discuss C. friendly D. begin 37. A. buffalo B. exactly C. tobacco D. continue 38. A. minute B. arrive C. Physics D. English 39. A. summer B. announce C. partner D. weather TOPIC 2: WH-QUESTIONS (Đặt câu hỏi) 4 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  5. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI GERUND AND TO + INFINITIVE( Động từ có dạng Ving và To-Vo) * PHẦN A: LÝ THUYẾT I.WH-questions: Là câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng các từ để hỏi: what, where, why, who, when, how, how long, how often, how far, how old, how much, how many, ➢ Cách đặt câu hỏi: Về căn bản, trước tiên phải xác định từ để hỏi (What, When, How, ) rồi áp dụng cấu trúc phù hợp dựa vào phần cần được hỏi và động từ của câu cho sẵn. 1. Subject: (Khi phần được hỏi là chủ từ) Wh-word + V + O? Ex1: Katy Perry is my favourite singer. S -> Who is your favourite singer? 2. Object: (Khi phần được hỏi không là chủ từ) dựa vào động từ của câu mà xác định cấu trúc để đặt câu hỏi: (1) Wh + tobe + S + ? (3) Wh + do/does/did + S + Vo + ? (2) Wh + modal verb + S + Vo + ? (4) Wh + have/has/had + S + V3/ed + ? Ex2: It is a cat. Ex4: Mrs. Ngoc taught English in high school →What is it? last year. Ex3: Mrs. Ngoc teaches music. →Where did Mrs. Ngoc teach English last year? →What does Mrs. Ngoc teach? II.GERUND & TO+INFINITIVE 1. Gerund: Ving (Danh động từ)  Một số động từ thường theo sau là Ving: avoid (tránh) suggest (đề nghị) delay (hoãn lại) put off( trì hoãn) dislike (không thích) give up (từ bỏ) deny (từ chối) go on (tiếp tục) enjoy (thích) keep (on) (tiếp tục) + Ving finish (hoàn thành) + Ving hate (ghét) mind (phiền hà) detest (ghét) need (cần) fancy (thích) can’t bear/ can’t stand (ko chịu được) practice (thực hành) can’t help (ko thể ko) postpone (hoãn lại) stop (dừng) Ex: My father really enjoys reading books.  Theo sau giới từ (in, to, of, with, at, about, against, from, before, after, ) + Ving Ex: How about visiting Japan this summer? 5 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  6. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI 2. To+Infinitive: to-Vo (động từ nguyên mẫu có “to”)  Một số động từ thường theo sau là to-Vo: agree (đồng ý) plan (dự định) afford (có đủ tiền) want (muốn) arrange (sắp xếp) manage (xoay sở) decide (quyết định) + to-Vo promise (hứa) + to-Vo expect (mong đợi) refuse (từ chối) hope (hi vọng) seem (dường như) learn (học) wish (mong muốn) . Ex: It was a nice day, so we decided to go to the beach. ❖ Trường hợp đặc biệt: 6 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  7. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI * PHẦN B: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG TASK 1: Choose the correct answers 1/ We wish ___ to college next year. A. go B. to go C. going D. shall go 2/ They agreed ___ us some more money. A. lend B. to lend C. lending D. lent 3/ He suggested ___ to France this summer time. A. travel B. to travel C. traveling D. traveled 4/ She doesn’t mind ___ me with my exercises. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps 5/ Don’t you think my jeans need ___? A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans 6/ They never forgot ___ the famous singer last night. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. will see 7/ Where’s the nearest post office? A. Turn left and then right. B. It’s about two kilometers. C. It opens at 9 a.m. D. It is a wonderful place to visit. 8/ The workers stopped ___ a rest because they felt tired. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 9/ That girl tried to avoid ___ some of my questions. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered 10/ ___ do you want? – A box of chocolate. A. Who B. Which C. How D. What 11/ ___ is your new school? – It’s very big and friendly. A. What B. How C. Where D. Which 12/ ___ money do you earn? - About £250 a week A. How many B. Which C. What D. How much 13/ ___ do you travel to Dalat? – Once a year. A. How often B. When C. Why D. How long 14/ I must go now. I promised ___late. A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I wouldn’t be TASK 2: Give the correct form of verbs in brackets 15. Students stopped (make) ___ noise when the teacher came in. 16. She couldn’t bear (shed) ___tears when she saw the film “ Romeo and Juliet “ 17. Do you fancy (go)___out this evening? 18. I really regret (hurt ) ___your feeling when I asked you such a silly question. 7 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  8. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI 19. Visitors are asked (not/feed) ___the animals. 20. Our class planned (go) ___for picnic. 21. It's very nervous (take) ___the exam. TASK 3: Choose the “synonym” of the underlined word 22/ I study in class 10A with forty-five other students. A. learn B. teach C. instruct D. review 23/ I’m the headmaster of Chu Van An High School. A. head B. master C. teacher D. principal 24/ They are very kind to the students and they enjoy teaching very well. A. handsome B. nice C. pretty D. beautiful 25/ I’m interested in teaching profession because I love working with children. A. science B. technology C. career D. department 26/ We live in a small flat above the corner shop in Tay Son Street. A. younger B. minor C. tiny D. short TASK 4: Choose the “antonym” of the underlined word 27/ He looks healthy enough. A. sick B. strong C. ugly D. slim 28/ I like English best because it’s an important means of international communication. A. love B. miss C. hate D. ignore 29/ I’ve been learning English for four years now, so I can speak English quite well. A. pretty B. badly C. normally D. helplessly 30/ I’m interested in teaching profession because I love working with children. A. unconcerned B. worried C. unhappy D. bored 31/ He has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets on the way to and from school. A. little B. few C. empty D. minor TASK 5: Choose one word whose underlined part is “pronounced” differently: (phát âm) 1/ A. chemist B. change C. child D. cheap 2/ A. feather B. head C. healthy D. meat 3/ A. much B. cute C. cut D. sun 4/ A. now B. how C. know D. down 5/ A. when B. settle C. become D. fellow TASK 6: Choose the word whose “main stress” is placed differently from the others in each group: (trọng âm) 1/ A. matter B. happen C. listen D. below 2/ A. explain B. problem C. study D. worry 3/ A. habit B. become C. learner D. mother 4/ A. student B. member C. prefer D. teacher 8 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  9. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI 5/ A. lesson B. woman C. repair D. father TASK 7: Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences: (Sắp xếp các từ theo thứ tự đúng để tạo nên 1 câu có nghĩa) 1/ difficult/ speak/ class.// to/ is/ It/ in/ English/ ☺ 2/ to/ night.// cinema/ They/ the/ went/ last/ ☺ 3/ reading/ books/ history.// She/ fond/ about/ of/ is/ ☺ TASK 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Kevin teaches (1)___at a high school. He enjoys his teaching very much, and he always feels very (2) ___and proud when he is standing on the teaching platform. Some of his ex- classmates have just offered him a chance (3) ___them in a new company to produce computer software for businesses. Everyone thinks that it will do very well. Kevin will (4) ___earn more money than he (5) ___at the high school. The new company is exciting and the money may be very good in deed. However, Kevin can hardly quit his teaching job! He loves it. 1. a. mathematic b. mathematics c. mathematical d. mathematician 2. a. shy b. embarrassed c. self-confident d. unhappy 3. a. to join b. join c. joining d. joins 4. a. actually b. ready c. immediately d. probably 5. a. do b. does c. did d. doing TOPIC 3: THE PAST PERFECT vs THE PAST SIMPLE (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành & Thì quá khứ đơn) PHẦN A: LÝ THUYẾT I.The past perfect: (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành) - Câu khẳng định: S + had + V3/ed - Câu phủ định: S + had+ not + V3/ed - Câu hỏi: Had + S + V3/ed ? ❖ Cách dùng chính: ✓ Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và hoàn tất trước một thời điểm hoặc một hành động khác trong quá khứ (hành động xảy ra trước dùng HAD + V3/ed, hành động xảy ra sau dùng V2/ed). Ex: - We had had dinner before eight o’clock last night. (Chúng tôi đã có bữa tối trước 8h đêm qua) 9 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  10. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI - Lan had learned English before she came to England. (Lan đã học tiếng Anh trước khi cô ta đến nước Anh việc học tiếng Anh xảy ra trước, còn việc đến nước Anh xảy ra sau) ✓ Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra nhưng chưa hoàn thành, tính đến một thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ. Ex: - By the time I left that school, I had taught there for ten years. ❖ Thì này thường được dùng với các từ: - After, before, when, as, once, Ex: - When I got to the station, the train had already left. After + S + had + V3/ed, S + V2/ed Before/When/By the time+ S + V2/ed, S + had + V3/ed - No sooner than (vừa mới thì) ; Hardly/Scarely when (vừa mới thì) Ex: - He had no sooner returned from abroad than he fell ill. II.The past perfect vs The past simple: (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành và Thì quá khứ đơn) The past simple The past perfect -Hành động đã xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định Một hành động đã xảy ra trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ xác định trong qúa khứ Ex: I met him yesterday. Ex: I had lived in Hanoi before the year 2000. -Hành động xảy ra suốt 1 thời gian trong quá khứ Một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động & đã chấm dứt khác trong quá khứ Ex: She worked for this school for 3 years. Ex: The train had left when he arrived. * PHẦN B: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG TASK 1: Use the Past perfect or the past simple 1. I suddenly remembered that I (leave) had left my wallet on the bus. 2. Yesterday I (thank) thanked her for what she (do) had done. 3. Before I got to the office, I (realize) realized that I (forget) had forgot to lock the door. 4. They (go) went home after they (finish) had finished their work. 5. I (call) called you at 8 o’clock but you (just/ go) had just gone out. 6. When I (listen) had listened the news last night, I (go) went to bed. TASK 2: Choose the correct answers 7/ By the end of last summer, the farmers ___ all the crop. A. harvested B. had harvestedC. harvest D. are harvested 8/ When we went back to the bookstore, the bookseller ___ the book we wanted. A. sold B. had already sold C. sells D. has sold 9/ The director ___ for the meeting by the time I got to his office. A. left B. had left C. leaves D. will leave 10/ Susan ___ her family after she had taken the university entrance examination. 10 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  11. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI A. phoned B. had phoned C. phones D. is phoning 11/ Miss Jane ___ typing the report before her boss came in. A. didn’t finish B. hadn’t finished C. doesn’t finish D. can’t finish 12/ Peter was in New York last week; he ___ in Washington D.C. three days earlier. A. was B. had been C. is D. was being 13/ Three women, none of whom we ___ before, ___ out of the hall. A. saw-had come B. had seen-came C. saw-came D. had seen-had come 14/ They ___ through horrible times during the war years. A. lived B. had lived C. live D. are living 15/ Mari Curie harboured the dream of ___ career. A. scientificallyB. scientist C. science D. scientific 16/ Jane is always determined to do anything she wants. She is a ___ woman. A. intelligent B. ambitious C. strong-minded D. humane 17/ A ___ teaches one student or a very small class. A. tutor B. leader C. adviser D. professor TASK 3: Choose the “synonym” of the underlined words 18/ She passed her exam with flying coulours. A. successfully B. difficultly C. easily D. badly 19/ Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time. A. occupation B. work C. unit D. knowledge 20/ Lack of funds forced her to work as a private tutor. A. own B. interested C. important D. personal 21/ She came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne. A. go after B. go away C. go before D. go on 22/ In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard. A. hardly B. very C. pretty D. too 23/ Pierre often helped her, and they devoted all their time to working in their laboratory. A. dedicated B. sent C. gave D. wasted TASK 4: Choose the “antonym” of the underlined words 24/ She received a general education in local schools. A. offered B. had C. gave D. asked 25/ She had very little money to live on, came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne. A. many B. a lot C. few D. much 26/ She is depressed because of the tragic death of her pet. A. funny B. lovely C. fascinating D. happy 27/ She finally obtained legal possession of the house. A. gave away B. threw away C. lost D. left 11 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  12. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI TASK 5: Read the passage and answer the questions below Marconi, who invented radio nearly a hundred years ago, was born in Bologna in Northern Italy in 1874. His father was a rich Italian businessman and his mother was a Scot who had lived in Ireland and had gone to Italy to study music. The family lived in a country house, the Villa Grifone, just outside Bologna. When he was a boy, people didn’t think that Marconi was particularly clever. He was a quiet boy who spoke little but thought a lot. He liked nothing better than to sit and read scientific books in his father’s big library. He also loved to do experiments with electricity. For most of his early life, he was taught at home. He didn’t go to school. *New words: - invent (v): phát minh - electricity (n): điện năng - experiment (n): cuộc thí nghiệm - famous for = well-known: nổi tiếng 28/ When and where Marconi was born? ☺ 29/ What was his nationality? ☺ 30/ What did his father do? ☺ 31/ Why did Marconi speak little? ☺ 32/ Did he attend school in his early life? ☺ 33/ What was Marconi famous for? ☺ TASK 6: Identify the mistakes and correct them 34/ The children couldn’t go to swim because the sea was rough. A B C D 35/ Why do you go to school so late yesterday, David? A B C D TOPIC 4: USED TO + INFINITVE 12 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  13. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI WHICH (as a connector) PHẦN A: LÝ THUYẾT I.Used to + Vo: (đã từng làm gì) Dùng để nói về những việc đã từng làm trong quá khứ nhưng bây giờ không còn xảy ra nữa. - Khẳng định S + used to+ Vo - Phủ định S + didn’t + use to + Vo - Câu hỏi Did + S + use to + Vo ? Ex: I used to eat ice-cream when I was a child. (Tôi đã từng ăn kem khi tôi còn bé) Ex: I didn’t use to ride a bike when I was 6 years old. (Tôi đã không từng lái xe đạp khi tôi 6 tuổi) Ex: Did you use to ride a bike when you was 6 years old? (Bạn có đã từng lái xe đạp khi bạn 6 tuổi không?) ❖ Lưu ý: be/get + used to + Ving/N (quen/dần quen với việc gì) use +N (sử dụng) Ex: She was used to getting up early. (Cô ta quen với việc thức dậy sớm) Ex: I didn’t get used to living in a big city. (Tôi đã không quen với việc sống ở 1 thành phố lớn) Ex: I use this bike to go to school. (Tôi sử dụng chiếc xe đạp này để đi đến trường) II.”Which” as a connector: (dùng “which” làm từ nối) Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước; khi làm từ nối phải có dấu phấy (,) đứng trước “which” Ex: Tom passed the driving test. This surprised everyone. = Tom passed the driving test, which surprised everyone. (Tom đậu kì thi lấy bằng lái xe, điều này gây bất ngờ cho mọi người) PHẦN B: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG TASK 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets, using “used to” 1. Caroline ___used to have (have) a walkman, but now she doesn’t have one. 2.When Peter was young, he ___ (ride) a bicycle to school. 3. People from India usually find our food tasteless. They get ___ (eat) spicy food. 4. Computers ___ (be) very expensive, but now the prices are cheaper. 5. English has become international. Businessmen are ___ (speak) English at international meetings. TASK 2: Combine the sentences below, using “which” 6. My phone is out of order. It makes me sad. ☺ 7. Her brother is disabled. It means he can’t get around easily. ☺ 8. It rained all night. This was good for the garden. ☺ 9. The police blocked off the road. This caused a traffic jam. ☺ TASK 3: Choose the best answers to fill in each blank 13 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  14. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI The New York Institution for the Blind was (10)___in 1831, about five years after Louis Braille had developed (11) ___system of writing for the (12) ___. It was one of the first schools in the United States to provide an (13) ___program for children who were blind or visually impaired. Early in the twentieth century the name was (14) ___to The New York Institute for Special Education (NYISE) to better reflect the school’s expanded focus and commitment to children with a variety of disabilities. 10. a. discovered b. founded c. located d. provided 11. a. a b. this c. his d. its 12. a. deaf b. blind c. mute d. disabled 13. a. educated b. educating c. education d. educational 14. a. renamed b. adjusted c. changed d. developed TASK 4: Choose the “synonym” of the underlined words 15/ The class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf and others mentally retarded. A. went B. performed C. started D. appeared 16/ This is a chance to give their children an education. A. offer B. supply C. suggestion D. opportunity 17/ What would happen to the disabled children in Tra Xuan Commune if a special class was not organized for them? A. go to B. leave for C. occur D. take 18/ The children have every reason to be proud as it usually takes them at least three months to learn how to pronounce one word. A. honored B. capable C. happy D. fortunate TASK 5: Choose the “antonym” of the underlined words 19/ Which ones do you think would be difficult for blind and deaf people? A. slight B. easy C. light D. soft 20/ Twenty-five disabled children will learn how to read and write. A. vigorous B. interested C. wealthy D. learned 21/ They did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. doubt B. reply C. regret D. ignore 22/ The children are sent to the special class at first. A. unlimited B. everyday C. normal D. undefined TASK 6: Choose the word whose “main stress” is placed differently from the others in each group: 23/ A. subtract B. parent C. message D. passage 24/ A. primary B. everything C. afternoon D. exciting 25/ A. province B. prepare C. finger D. meeting 26/ A. better B. standing C. attend D. open TASK 7: Choose one word whose underlined part is “pronounced” differently: 27/ A. special B. parent C. mental D. very 28/ A. provide B. primary C. sign D. province 29/ A. action B. fourteen C. instead D. active 30/ A. dumb B. rob C. book D. bring 31/ A. wrong B. word C. west D. with 14 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  15. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI TOPIC 5: THE PRESENT PERFECT (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) THE PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE (Bị động của thì hiện tại hoàn thành) WHO, WHICH, THAT (đại từ quan hệ) PHẦN A: LÝ THUYẾT I.The Present Perfect: - Câu khẳng định: S + have/has+ V3/ed - Câu phủ định: S + haven’t / hasn’t + V3/ed - Câu hỏi: Have/Has + S + V3/ed ? ❖ Cách dùng chính: dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ không xác định rõ thời điểm. E.g: Have you had breakfast? – No, I haven’t. - Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, còn kéo dài đến hiện tại. E.g: My friend Nam has lived in Hanoi since 1998. - Một hành động vừa mới xảy ra hoặc xảy ra gần so với hiện tại. E.g: I have just finished my homework. - Trong cấu trúc: Be + the first/second time + S + have/has + V3/ed E.g: This is the first time I have been to Paris. ❖ Các trạng từ thường dùng với thì HTHT: just (vừa mới), recently/lately (gần đây), ever (đã từng), never (chưa bao giờ), yet (chưa), already (rồi), since (từ khi – mốc thời gian), for (khoảng), so far/until now/up to now/up to the present (cho đến bây giờ), several times, for the last ten years, Note: since + điểm thời gian (ex: since 2019, since August, ) for + khoảng thời gian (ex: for 3 years, for a long time, for ages, ) II.The Present Perfect Passive: -Active (Câu chủ động): S + have/has + V3/ed + O -Passive (Câu bị động): S + have/has + been+ V3/ed + (by + O) Ex: The fire has destroyed many houses. S V3/ed O = Passive: Many houses have been destroyed by the fire. Lưu ý: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau by + O Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng trước by + O Ex: These flowers have been sold in the park by the woman since 2015. III. Who/ Which/ That: dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng ngay trước nó. Trong đó: WHO : dùng thế cho chủ từ - chỉ người WHOM : dùng thế cho túc từ -chỉ người WHICH : dùng thế cho chủ từ lẫn túc từ - chỉ vật THAT :có thể dùng thế cho tất cả các chữ trên trong mệnh đề không có dấu phẩy WHEN : dùng thế cho thời gian WHERE : dùng thế cho nơi chốn 15 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  16. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI WHY : dùng thế cho lý do WHOSE : dùng thế cho sở hữu ,người / vật OF WHICH : dùng thế cho sở hữu vật Ex: The book which/ that I bought yesterday was interesting. ➢ Cách viết lại câu sử dụng đại từ quan hệ Who/ Which/ That: (1) Xác định 2 danh từ giống nhau/ đồng nghĩa (2) Thay thế danh từ thứ 2 bằng 1 đại từ quan hệ thích hợp (3) Viết lại câu sao cho logic về nghĩa Ex: The picture was beautiful. I drew it yesterday. = The picture which/that I drew yesterday was beautiful. PHẦN B: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG TASK 1: Use the present perfect: 1. I (see)___her before. 2. Tom (never/ be) ___in Hanoi. 3. They (read) ___ the novel written by Jack London several times before. 4. He (write) ___ a book since last year. 5. Mr. Green (teach) ___ English in this school since he (graduate) ___ from the university in 1986. 6. How long ___you (learn) ___ English? TASK 2: Use the present perfect passive 7/ Someone has stolen my bike. ☺ 8/ They have postponed the class meeting for 1 hour. ☺ 9/ They have just built a new school near our house. ☺ 10/ Has somebody informed Lan of the change? ☺ 11/ They haven’t finished their assignments yet. ☺ TASK 3: Choose the “synonym” of the underlined words 12/ We visit shops, offices, and places of scenic beauty with the help of computers. A. houses B. pubs C. stores D. parks 13/ We read newspapers and magazines which have been produced on computers. A. born B. shaped C. begun D. manufactured 14/ What makes computer a miraculous device? A. strange B. superhuman C. wonderful D. famous 15/ It is an electric store which manages large collections of data. A. handles B. works C. drives D. pilots 16 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)
  17. THPT Ngan Dừa Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10 CB - HKI 16/ Ask and answer questions about the uses of modern inventions. A. up-to-date B. new C. late D. present TASK 4: Choose the “antonym” of the underlined words 17/ We receive letters from and send letters to almost every part of the world with the help of computers. A. take B. buy C. sell D. break 18/ We can even learn foreign languages on computers. A. known B. native C. natural D. expected 19 With appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of doing almost anything you ask. A. unsuitable B. unimportant C. ill-prepared D. irregular 20/ Places of scenic beauty are places where the scenes are interesting and beautiful. A. incorrect B. tiresome C. irrelevant D. unlucky 21/ Why is computer a miraculous device? A. ordinary B. improper C. false D. ugly TASK 5: Choose the word whose “main stress” is placed differently from the others in each group: 22/ A. number B. software C. manage D. invent 23/ A. become B. hardware C. letter D. music 24/ A. beauty B. machine C. daily D. modern 25/ A. magazine B. collection C. performer D. invention 26/ A. device B. lighting C. magic D. worry TASK 6: Choose one word whose underlined part is “pronounced” differently: 27/ A. technology B. different C. mental D. dentist 28/ A. happy B. weekly C. accuracy D. multiply 29/ A. produced B. wanted C. needed D. subtracted 30/ A. of B. often C. foreign D. five 31/ A. music B. computer C. document D. illustrate TASK 7: Choose the correct answers 32.Robert is going to be famous someday. He ___ in three movies already. a. has been appeared b. has appeared c. had appeared d. appeared 33.The chemistry book ___was a little expensive. a. that I bought b. what I bought c. I bought that d. that I bought it 34. I've been in this city for a long time. I ___ here sixteen years ago. a. came b. had come c. was coming d. have come 35. Oh, no! I don't believe it. My mobile phone___. a. has been stolen b. was stolen c. is stolen d. was being stolen 36.___ presents information and entertainment orally. a. Newspaper b. Radio c. Television d. The internet 17 “Where there is a will, there is a way” (Có chí thì nên)